Pollinate sustainability training

The Pollinate Sustainability Training Program is a skill development program with two modules, offered to entrepreneurship hubs to equip employees with knowledge and support in developing skills, ensuring our users will get the best support possible and through that aim to get more sustainable student entrepreneurs out into society, both in numbers of entrepreneurs and their level of sustainability literacy.

fundamental module



    • Recognise and describe different frameworks and concepts within sustainability and can explain interconnections and possible tensions between individual frameworks

    • Recognise and describe the EU Taxonomy and can explain interconnections with other regulations

    • Explain why sustainability claims without robust evidence are often mere communication strategies, also known as greenwashing

    • Discuss why and how our understanding of sustainability is always evolving

This cohort will be by request, if you wish to join the training with your specific university entrepreneurship hub only.

Free for hubs supporting students and researchers at universities and
higher educational institutions in Denmark (not
covering costs for travelling and accommodation)

sign up

skills & competencies module



    • Discuss the impact of individuals and organisations working collaboratively towards sustainability goals
    • Describe the fundamentals of paradox thinking and relate the concept of both/and-mindset within their role
    • Recognise and describe regulatory demands and can describe interconnections, e.g. CSRD, GRI, Danish law, EU GreenClaims
    • Compare different tools that support sustainable business development, describe their theoretical foundation, and apply them when coaching 
    • Describe sustainability from several perspectives, considering time, space, and context. Explore how these elements interact within and between systems

Suitable only for business developers or startup coaches who have completed the Fundamental Module.

Dates & Times:
Next cohort TBC. Sign up below if interested.

Free for hubs supporting students and researchers at universities and
higher educational institutions in Denmark (not
covering costs for travelling and accommodation)

sign up


The entrepreneurship centres, incubators, accelerators and innovation programs at Danish universities play several important roles within the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Denmark. The hubs are training, coaching and supporting students and researchers on their experiential entrepreneurial journey, preparing our users to further explore and utilize the offerings and opportunities that exist in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The urgency of all to act towards a more sustainable world is clear, and governmental actors such as universities have a responsibility to educate and prepare the coming generations of academics, employees and entrepreneurs.

We have the opportunity and obligation to ensure that innovators, entrepreneurs, and researchers are prepared for the challenges our society and planet are facing. We risk letting them down by not providing adequate support for the new order of business hygiene, which includes sustainability at its core.

It’s time to upskill the entrepreneurship hubs & business developers to ensure we’re delivering the best possible support. Through this project, we aim to accelerate the development of advice and knowledge about sustainable solutions available to students.


With this project, the ambition is to develop a strong knowledge base and a practical advisory tool that will bring the business development offered to students at Danish universities' incubation environments into the sustainable super league. Business developers at the universities' entrepreneurship centres are thus better equipped to support sustainable development in startups. Furthermore, experiences and results coming from this project will contribute to accelerating the anchoring and scaling of sustainable elements and knowledge in incubation environments. Ultimately, our ambition is that this effort and the communication surrounding it will lead to many new and more sustainable startups in Denmark, which are better equipped for future demands and expectations from investors, employees and customers.

For this project, CSE is partnering with The Kitchen (AU), DTU Skylab, Aalborg University (AAU) and Syddansk Universitet (SDU).

The project is funded by Otto Mønsteds Fond and Tuborgfondet.

For more information and potential collaboration, don’t hesitate to reach out to Impact Developer Tillie Johansson at tj.cse@cbs.dk.